

time pass really fast...
a year gone...
NGO again...
i really feel a heart break when i saw their performance...
i went 2 sch early in the morning...
after them adi prepared all the things...
they hving the last practice 4 the comp...
bt i almost break down n cried...
hw we can go 4 comp wif tiz performance?
i almost cnt control myself...
7.15am...teacher ask us 2 break into the bus...
bt...fatin...1 of the participate hvt come!!
i ask tqy 2 call her...
bt she nvr ans the call...
wat the @#$%$#%%&#...
nvm...teacher say we adi tried our best...
we wil go without her...
ok...i followed the teacher instruction...
kah huei told me she cnt go...
teacher say she din pass up the surat kebenaran...
i really mad tat time...
i really cnt control my emotion...
sry...kah huei...
mayb im 2 fierce tat time n scared u...
i talk 2 teacher so tat let kah huei go...
then teacher say :"u ah...always make decision urself..."
she ask me if kah huei gt anythings happen hw?
then i ans:"i wil make sure she wil ok..."
then teacher only say ok lah ok lah...=.=
really waste my saliva n spirit...

fatin really din come...
tat mean we nid some1 2 take her place...
actually we hv simpanan...
bt 3 of them...nvr train 4 it oso...
so...the conclusion is...
i nid 2 ganti fatin's important place...
haiz...y everytime i nid 2 sacrifice?
kit ying immediate help me 2 tied up the hair...
n after reach the comp's scene...
i exchange the uniform wif 1 of the simpanan...
n start 2 learn the formation...
i really scared n feel so stressful...
i nvr train the formation b4...
n i only learn 2 hr b4 the comp start...

finally...is our turn...
i really stress up n tel myself nt 2 make any mistake in the comp...
n i had succeed...
i feel almost 2 faint jz the comp finish...
bt...we had succeed...
sjam pgs had get naid johan...
n tqy get the best commander...
huh?i really confused...n wondering...
y she can get the best commander bt i cnt?
bt nvm...
i had happy enough...
our team almost jump up when we get the result...
wakaka...the members all look so happy even is tired...
bt...i wan 2 command tat...
actually we r lucky tiz time...
we stil hv long distance 2 catch up the quality of ex pgs team...
i noe they had tried thier best...
bt i really hope tat pgs team can b more quality bt nt more quantity...

congratulation...pgs team^^
