
I miss u...fren...

Is late nw...
suddenly feel so lonely...
yup...i really feel it...
y?i nt really noe...
i cnt slp...even im tired...
yest i dream of him...
he send a msg 4 me...

short n simply...

he say sry...
he had noe wat 2 do...

when i woke up...

i laugh 2 myself...

wat funny joke...
nvm...it had been past...

i wil b fine...

12.33am nw...i thk of hor yan...

1 of my best fren...

i miss her...i really miss her...
bt i jz miss her tat pass...
bt nw...she has changed...
hmmm...i duno izit considered changed...
bt 4 me...she is jz like a stranger...
i feel so stranged 2 face her...
she is totally different compared 2 her past...

she is concentrated on her study...

bt...whr am i?

whrs frenship going?

i duno...i really duno...

as her best fren...

i hoped i noe...

since she went 4 the camp...

i lsee talk wif her...

really...10 fingers is enough 4 me 2 count hw many sentences or even words i talk 2 her...
i recalled bc the time during the holiday...
i was really gud wif her...

we laugh we smile or even cried...
we shared our love story...

facing the down...

i rmb tat time...some1 really make me suffered...

n the only person tat accompany me is her...
bt nw...

mayb we r sitting 4 spm tiz year...

n she is concentrating on her study...

bt...i wondered...

y it wil affect us?

is my problem?or her problem?
or wat?izit i thk 2 much?
i scared 2 face her...

cz i wil feel a heart break...

fren...my dear sister...

i hoped u wil b bc...

i miss u......

2 条评论:

{@h lUn} 说...

me too ...
during the camp i edi feel she change edi ...
dun noe y ...
juz feel tat something is different jor ...
nt like those day ...
those day she can be considered "childish" ...
every time also can c her smiling ..
nt like now...

Hui Shan 说...

u oso feel it rite?
tat mean nt me thk too much le...
i duno wat i should do nw...
i thk u wil noe wat i felt nw...
i nt dare 2 tel her wat i feel nw...
cz i scared wil disturb her emotion n affect her study ah...