
Suffered time over...yeah^^

my suffered time over luh...
wakaka...feel so relax nw...
can focus in my study jor^^

talk abt yest...
they come my hse...
tiz time special a bit...
we prepare all the things without senior...
senior say dun wan choy us jor wor...
cz we no training T.T
bt...so far so gud...
we din face any problem oso...
haha...sure lah...
goh hui shan here mah...
after prepare all the things + play...
almost near 1am adi...
i ask them go slp...
bt me n hui ling stil studying...
really feel so stressful eh...
bt hui ling say she very tired...
so i off the light n slp loh...

early in the morning...
i wake them up n go prepare all the things...
the 1st day is 4 teory, uniform test n oso marching...
during the teory test...
ah yap sit in the same table wif me...
wahaha...so excited ah me...
he really so leng zai eh...
big eye...sharp nose...
he is no.1 oso...
wakaka...he so serious when ans the question eh...
the nursing adult teory test ah...
act like essay question...
the ans so long...1 hr hw 2 finish wor...
i simply write then pass up luh...
dun wan stay there oso...=.=
after the uniform test...immediate is the marching...
the officer gv us time 2 drink water then bring us 2 the field...
everything come so sudden...i so scared eh...
bt fortunately everything stil gud...
i gv the command bt when finish...
i almost no sound adi lah...

then we wait thr until 5 smtg only go back home...
after prepare all the things...
every1 look so tired...
kar man say let her rest 4 5 mins...
bt i din wake her up...
cz i noe she is suffering n really so tired...
shiow ling n me hv 2 drink coffee 2 get away frm drowsy...
then hui ling say she oso nid 2 slp a while...
so 3 of us...
zi ying, shiow ling n me continue 2 chit chat...
talk abt our life...love...fren n oso memoriol abt our past...
we hv promise we wil nvr 4get abt our frenship n tat moment we go 4 competition 2gather...
yap...i promise...i wil nvr 4get...
we chit chat til 1am...
then i off the light luh...

the second day is short case n nursing...
i no mood at all...
really stress up n feeling suffered...
we r the second team 4 short case...
n yet...the case is abt a girl suffering frm spinal injury...
ishh...the case we had trained by ubi...
so we really perform gud in tat case...
n i really feel so happy after the case finish...
after rest 4 feel mins...
the steward call us again 4 nursing...
we performed nt really very well bt i noe we had tried our best loh...
then we go gap ah yap...
haha...he really so leng zai ah...
he look so scared when doing the case eh...

finally...we get both 3rd in our marching n short case...
all the champians has taken by amc...
bt is normal lah...
i jz feel shock when yuk choy adult lost in both case...
n ubi feel so down eh...

anywhere...my suffered time over...
pgs gambateh eh...
i wil nvr nvr 4get abt the moment...
N/A 7 team...u r all the best^^

No.3 so serious when ironing my uniform...

She falling down frm the bed...wahahaha...

taking pic wif my dog dog...

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

^.^ I feel happy for you too~
but you so sui lo , i'm not there and u curi makan~

-szekuns- 老公仔-