
100th Year Review

2day only i received the 100th year review photo...
look through the photo...
n i found tat it was the sweet memories tat keeping in my mind...
even it was very miserable during the 3 days...
bt...we gain the friendship...
i stil rmb vividly...
perak team go klcc on the second day nite...
wakaka XP...
we go thr shopping...play...eat...
so happy eh...
n 4gt all the tiredness during the day...
cz we wake up early...
march in rain...
after eat...match again...
the judge thr so fierce...
n we go bc hostel near midnite...
hv 2 wash up...clean up...
then chat chat chat...
until 1am or 2am only slp...
wake up on 4am or 5am...
2 wash up n prepare again...
really so misery...
i rmb the last day...
our perform day...
we stand thr 4 1-2 hrs...
senior wsm n me r nt feeling well...
n our lovable daddy r faint...
daddy suffering frm fever since the second day...
the members of duty send daddy out wif stretcher...
bt...daddy jump down frm the stretcher n rush into the perform compound...
he wan 2 lead us performed the match...
al of us r so touched on tat moment...
n we r performed well in the match...
( clap clap clap ^^ )
perak team is the best...
wakaka XP
12-14 december 2008...
we wil keep it in our mind...forever...

Sleepy Zzzz...

The review scene...

Perak team start marching^^

Perak Team...

Mummy wif PGS girl...

Daddy Mummy^^

Mummy wif us^^

1 条评论:

sharon 说...

mummy ah i will remember this day de...we chat till midnite...so cold in the middle of the nite..use hair dryer to blow our pants..shout when we saw "ga zha" haha^^ the happiness we have had cover up our tiredness^^

ah lui