
Abberant Respone...

today...b4 the tt start...
shiow ling sudden ask me...
y he wil leave me such a sudden...
i look at her 4 a few second...
i din say anything...
i tot...i had put everything down...
n had been 4get all the things...
i tel her the truth...
bt i duno wat im saying...
duno wat can say n hw 2 say...
i saw my hand shaking...
i duno y tiz happen...
i jz noe i feel so scared tat time...
mayb shiow ling saw my abberant respone...
she din say anything...
n i keep on do my homework...
my story hvt finish...
mayb 1 day...
i wil told her all the truth...
dun ask me abt him b4 i really 4gt...
i duno wat wil happen nex...

p/s : last exam subject tmr...gambateh...^^v
