
Basketball Duty...

2day went 4 duty since school start...
actually nt me should go 4 duty...
bt tat teh qin yong!
yesterday nite near 12am only say she wun go...
say she duno is her turn 2 duty...
eat SHIT!!!wat de....
izit a vice president will say like tiz?
damn angry...n hope 2 kill her!!!

bt everything stil gud...
no casualty during the basketball comp...
bt feel drowsy cz really very boring...
the only things can do is gap zai wif members loh...
haha...cz 2day only boy team...
really feel admire 4 those who can play basketball well...
can run...can shot...can defend...
i love play basketball...
bt nobody teach me...

duno frm wat sch...
rapat setia i thk...
the couch argue wif the organiser thr...
jz 4 she say 7 mins pass so fast...
tats impossible...
the organiser feel in red as soon...
she say she is the biggest thr...
n ask the couch 2 keep her mouth shut...
wat de...=.=
y they wan 2 argue jz 4 a small little things?
sound pollution...
i thk the rapat setia members r feel shy too...
n i saw them they had try their best...
bt finally stil lose 2 other team...
6 vs 56...
wat a big difference...

we go back sch at 6pm...
i really feel wan 2 faint tat time...
feel so tired even we jz sit beside n watch the comp...
tmr is our sch turn 2 fight...
hope thr can get gud results le...
gambateh neh =P
